1. Accor­ding to the Act on Con­su­mer Rights of 30 May 2014 (Dz. U. 2014, item 827), the Buyer being a con­su­mer may, within 14 days, with­draw from the con­tract without giving any reason and at no cost, with the excep­tion of those refer­red to in Article 33, Art. 34 item 2 and Article 35 of the afo­re­men­tio­ned Act.

2. The right of with­drawal refer­red to in para­graph 1, shall be applied within 14 days from the date of acqu­isi­tion of the Pro­duct by the Buyer (con­su­mer) or a third party desi­gna­ted by the Buyer other than the car­rier. To com­ply with this term, it is eno­ugh to send a sta­te­ment before its expiry.

3. The Buyer may can­cel the con­tract by sub­mit­ting a dec­la­ra­tion of with­drawal. The dec­la­ra­tion may be made via the form which is atta­ched as Appen­dix 1 to these Regu­la­tions.

2. The right of with­drawal refer­red to in para­graph 1 shall not be gran­ted if the Pro­duct has been ope­ned, used, or in any way destroyed or dama­ged.

5. A retur­ned Pro­duct sho­uld be pac­ka­ged to pre­vent damage.

6. The cost of retur­ning a sta­te­ment of the Buyer and the Pro­duct is borne by the Buyer.

7. The Sel­ler shall imme­dia­tely verify the admis­si­bi­lity of with­drawal from the sales con­tract upon rece­ipt of the retur­ned Pro­duct.

8. In case of admis­si­bi­lity of the right to with­draw, the Sel­ler shall return the money paid to the Buyer within 14 days to the bank acco­unt of the Buyer or by a postal order. In the case of pay­ment by cre­dit card, the refund will be made direc­tly to the card of the Buyer.


1. The right to replace a Pro­duct shall be applied within 14 days from the date of acqu­isi­tion of the Pro­duct by the Buyer (con­su­mer) or a third party desi­gna­ted by the Buyer other than the car­rier. To com­ply with this term, it is eno­ugh to send a sta­te­ment before its expiry.

2. The Buyer may replace the Pro­duct by sub­mit­ting a dec­la­ra­tion on the exchange. The dec­la­ra­tion may be made via the form which is atta­ched as Appen­dix 1 to these Regu­la­tions.

3. The right of repla­ce­ment refer­red to in para­graph 1 shall not be gran­ted if the Pro­duct has been ope­ned, used, or in any way destroyed or dama­ged.

5. A retur­ned Pro­duct sho­uld be pac­ka­ged to pre­vent damage.

5. The cost of pro­vi­ding a sta­te­ment of the Buyer, the faulty Pro­duct and deli­ve­ring a new Pro­duct shall be borne by the Buyer.

6. The Sel­ler, imme­dia­tely upon rece­ipt, shall verify the admis­si­bi­lity of the repla­ce­ment of the Pro­duct for ano­ther one.

8. In the case of admis­si­bi­lity of rights for exchange, the Sel­ler shall, within 14 days, send the new Pro­duct to the Buyer.


1. The basis and respon­si­bi­li­ties of the Sel­ler to the Buyer, if the Pro­duct sold has a natu­ral or legal flaw (war­ranty) are defi­ned by the gene­rally appli­ca­ble laws, in par­ti­cu­lar the Civil Code.

2. The Sel­ler is obli­ged to deli­ver the Pro­duct to the Buyer without defects.

3. Any com­pla­ints regar­ding the sales con­tracts can be made by the Buyer in wri­ting by a regi­ste­red let­ter sent to the address of the Sel­ler.

4. The com­pla­int must con­tain the name and postal address of the Buyer as well as the e-mail address of the Buyer.

5. Com­pla­ints shall be con­si­de­red within 14 days from the date of rece­ipt of the regi­ste­red let­ter by the Sel­ler.

6. The Sel­ler, when con­si­de­ring a com­pla­int shall apply the pro­vi­sions of the Regu­la­tions.

7. The Buyer shall be noti­fied about the deci­sion of the Sel­ler in wri­ting to the address sent pro­vi­ded in the regi­ste­red let­ter con­taining the com­pla­int.
