§ 1De­fi­ni­tions

1. Web­site – website found at the domain https://www.anna­bel­le­mi­ne­rals.com/e­n_gb/ rights to which belong to the Sel­ler;

2. Store – part of the Web­site, loca­ted in the domain www.anna­bel­le­mi­ne­rals.com, where the Sel­ler offers the Pro­ducts;

3. Sel­ler – BLM Sp. z o. o., a limi­ted lia­bi­lity com­pany with its regi­ste­red office and address in Biel­sko-Biala, ul. gen. Maczka 9, 43-300 Biel­sko-Biała, Poland ente­red in the regi­ster of the Natio­nal Court Regi­ster, under KRS num­ber 472024, the District Court in Biel­sko-Biała, having the NIP num­ber: 9372667053 and REGON num­ber: 243335940, whose share capi­tal amo­unts to 5,000,00 PLN BDO: 000037094 BDO: 000037094;

4. Buyer – a natu­ral per­son, legal per­son or orga­ni­za­tio­nal unit without legal per­sonality, having legal capa­city, who conc­lu­des an agre­ement with the Sel­ler invo­lving pur­chase thro­ugh the Store; The Buyer who is a natu­ral per­son must have full legal capa­city;

5. Pro­ducts – the goods offe­red in the Store by the Sel­ler;

6. Regu­la­tions – these regu­la­tions.

§ 2 Gene­ral pro­vi­sions

1. Regu­la­tions define the rules for conc­lu­ding con­tracts of sale between the Sel­ler and the Buy­ers thro­ugh the Store.

2. In case of conc­lu­ding a con­tract of sale of the Pro­duct with a con­su­mer, the con­tract is conc­lu­ded not in per­son, as defi­ned by the Act of March 2, 2000 On the Pro­tec­tion of Con­su­mer Rights and Lia­bi­lity for Damage Cau­sed by Dan­ge­rous Pro­ducts (Dz. U. of 2000., No. 22, item 271 as amen­ded).

3. Prior to the conc­lu­sion of the con­tract of sale, the Buyer is requ­ired to read the Regu­la­tions. The conc­lu­sion of the sales con­tract requ­ires prior appro­val of the Regu­la­tions.

4. The Buyer is obli­ged to com­ply with the pro­vi­sions of the Regu­la­tions.

5. The Regu­la­tions are ava­ila­ble free of charge via the Web­site in a form that allows down­lo­ading, saving and prin­ting.

§ 3 Conc­lu­sion of the sales con­tract

1. The Sel­ler shall pro­vide infor­ma­tion on the Pro­ducts in the Store, indi­ca­ting, in par­ti­cu­lar, the gross price of these said Pro­ducts.

2. Pla­cing a Pro­duct in the Store is an invi­ta­tion to make an offer (order) by the Buyer.

3. Pla­cing an order requ­ires, in par­ti­cu­lar, the selec­tion of the Pro­duct, the type, quan­tity, method of pay­ment and deli­very.

4. Orders can be pla­ced in the Store aro­und the clock, seven days a week.

5. The conc­lu­sion of a sales con­tract takes place at the moment of accep­tance by the Sel­ler of an offer made by the Buyer which takes place by sen­ding a mes­sage to the elec­tro­nic address of the Buyer.

6. Imme­dia­tely after the rece­ipt of the con­tract, the Sel­ler shall verify the cor­rect­ness of the data given in the order and the data of the Buyer. For this pur­pose, the Sel­ler may con­tact the Buyer.

7. In the event of faults in the order or in the data of the Buyer, the Sel­ler shall attempt to con­tact the Buyer in order to cor­rect them. Sho­uld it be impos­si­ble to con­tact the Buyer or cor­rect the faults, the Sel­ler may can­cel an order, if possi­ble infor­ming the Buyer. In the event of pay­ment of a can­celed order by the Buyer, the Sel­ler shall return the money paid in advance pay­ment within 14 days from the date of can­cellation of the order.

8. The Sel­ler shall make every effort to ensure that the offer the Store is up to date. In the event of accep­tance by the Sel­ler of an order made by the Buyer for a Pro­duct which is cur­ren­tly not ava­ila­ble in the Store, the sale agre­ement expi­res, about which the Buyer will be infor­med by e-mail. In the event of pay­ment by the Buyer in such a case, the Sel­ler will return the money within 14 days of noti­fi­ca­tion of the expiry of the con­tract.

§ 4 Pay­ments

1. For each order pla­ced by the Buyer, the valid price is the one given for the orde­red Pro­duct at the time of order, which is the gross price.

2. The Buyer can cho­ose a method of pay­ment from those pro­vided by the Sel­ler, inc­lu­ding:

a. bank trans­fer,

b. Prze­le­wy24 online pay­ment

c. Pay­Pal online pay­ment

3.1 Sho­uld the Buyer cho­ose pay­ment by bank trans­fer, the Buyer is obli­ged to pay for the pro­ducts and cover the cost of deli­very within 7 days of rece­ipt of the order by the Sel­ler. In the event of failure to pay the full price within this spe­ci­fied term, the Sel­ler may can­cel the order of the Buyer, about which the Buyer will be infor­med. If the buyer has paid part of the price, the Sel­ler shall refund the entire amo­unt paid.

3.2 When making a pay­ment by bank trans­fer, the index num­ber of the order pro­vided by the Sel­ler sho­uld be pro­vided as the trans­fer title. Sho­uld the order num­ber be not pro­vided, the Sel­ler shall ende­avor to deter­mine this num­ber, in par­ti­cu­lar by con­tacting the Buyer. Sho­uld it be impos­si­ble to match an order num­ber to a trans­fer, the Sel­ler shall return the depo­si­ted amo­unt to the bank acco­unt from which the trans­fer Was gran­ted, the­reby can­celing the order. Pro­vi­sions of para­graph 3 above shall apply accor­din­gly.

3.3 The time of pay­ment of the price is the moment of regi­stering the pay­ment on acco­unt of the Sel­ler.

4. If you cho­ose online pay­ment sup­por­ted by Prze­le­wy24, the ava­ila­ble pay­ment methods are:

a. Cre­dit cards: Visa, Visa Elec­tron, Maste­rCard, Maste­rCard Elec­tronic, Maestro.

b. Online pay­ment: Płacę z inte­ligo (inte­ligo), mTrans­fer (mBank), MultiTrans­fer (Mul­ti­Bank), Płać z Nor­dea (Nor­dea), Prze­le­w24 (Bank Zachodni WBK), Prze­lew z BPH (Bank BPH), Płacę z iPKO (PKO BP), Peka­o24Prze­lew (Bank Pekao), Płacę z PeoPay (Bank Pekao), Płacę z Citi Han­dlowy (Citi­Bank Han­dlowy), Pay­Way Toy­ota Bank (Toy­ota Bank), Meri­tu­mBank Prze­lew (Meri­tum Bank), Płać z BOŚ (Bank Och­rony Śro­do­wi­ska), Płacę z Alior Ban­kiem (Alior Bank), Płacę z Alior Sync (Alior Bank), Mil­len­nium – Płat­no­ści Inter­ne­towe (Bank Mil­len­nium), Płać z ING (ING Bank Ślą­ski), Cre­dit Agri­cole Bank Pol­ska S A., Euro­bank płat­ność online (Euro Bank S A.), db Trans­fer (Deut­sche Bank Pol­ska S A.), iKO (PKO BP), Płać z Plus-Bank (Plus Bank S A), Prze­lew Volk­swa­gen Bank direct (Volk­swa­gen Bank Pol­ska S A), Płacę z Idea Bank (Idea Bank S A), e-trans­fer Pocz­to­wy24 (Bank Pocz­towy S A). 

§ 5 Pro­duct deli­very

1. Ship­ments are sent via Royal Mail.

2. The cost of deli­very: £3

3. The cost of deli­very shall be borne by the Buyer unless Sel­ler sta­tes dif­fe­ren­tly thro­ugh the Store.

4. Free deli­very is ava­ila­ble to the Buyer if the value of the Cart exce­eds £30. Free deli­very is ava­ila­ble only for pre-paid pur­chases and ship­ment by Royal Mail.

5. In the case of an order for seve­ral pro­ducts, the Sel­ler may decide to ship the Pro­ducts to Buyer in sepa­rate con­si­gn­ments, with the pro­viso that the Buyer will not be char­ged higher than the cost of deli­very accep­ted by them when orde­ring.

6. Date of dispatch of the Pro­duct by the Sel­ler to the Buyer is defi­ned in the Store. Ship­ping of the Pro­duct takes place after the pay­ment of the price by the Buyer.

7. Deli­very takes place within the period spe­ci­fied in the rules of the entity exe­cu­ting it (Royal Mail).

8. During a period of sales in the Store, the waiting time for ship­ment of Pro­ducts may be lon­ger depen­ding on the num­ber of orders.

9. Trans­fer of owner­ship of the Pro­duct to the Buyer takes place at the moment of rece­ipt the­reof.

§ 6 Ri­ght of with­dra­wal

1. Accor­ding to the Act on Con­su­mer Rights of 30 May 2014 (Dz. U. 2014, item 827), the Buyer being a con­su­mer may, within 14 days, with­draw from the con­tract without giving any reason and at no cost, with the excep­tion of those refer­red to in Article 33, Art. 34 item 2 and Article 35 of the afo­re­men­tio­ned Act.

2. The right of with­dra­wal refer­red to in para­graph 1 shall be applied within 14 days from the date of acqu­isi­tion of the Pro­duct by the Buyer (con­su­mer) or a third party desi­gna­ted by the Buyer other than the car­rier. To com­ply with this term, it is eno­ugh to send a sta­te­ment before its expiry.

3. The Buyer may can­cel the con­tract by sub­mit­ting a dec­la­ra­tion of with­dra­wal. The dec­la­ra­tion may be made via the form which is atta­ched as Appen­dix 1 to these Regu­la­tions.

2. The right of with­dra­wal refer­red to in para­graph 1 shall not be gran­ted if the Pro­duct has been ope­ned, used, or in any way destroyed or dama­ged.

5. A retur­ned Pro­duct sho­uld be pac­ka­ged to pre­vent damage.

6. The cost of retur­ning a sta­te­ment of the Buyer and the Pro­duct is borne by the Buyer.

7. The Sel­ler shall imme­dia­tely verify the admis­si­bi­lity of with­dra­wal from the sales con­tract upon rece­ipt of the retur­ned Pro­duct.

8. In case of admis­si­bi­lity of the right to with­draw, the Sel­ler shall return the money paid to the Buyer within 14 days to the bank acco­unt of the Buyer or by a postal order. In the case of pay­ment by cre­dit card, the refund will be made direc­tly to the card of the Buyer.

§ 7 Pri­vacy policy

1. By regi­stering in the Anna­belle Mine­rals Store and selec­ting the appro­priate field in the regi­stra­tion form, the Buyer dec­la­res con­sent to the pro­ces­sing of her or his per­sonal data pro­vided in the said form in order to pro­cess the orders made via the online Store https://www.anna­bel­le­mi­ne­rals.com/e­n_gb/.

2. The pro­vi­sion of per­sonal data by the Buyer is volun­tary, except for a one-time con­sent to the pro­ces­sing of per­sonal data in order to carry out the order without regi­stering pre­vents the reali­za­tion of orders by the Buyer via the online Store https://www.anna­bel­le­mi­ne­rals.com/e­n_gb/.

3. The Sel­ler pro­cesses the per­sonal data of the Buyer only to the extent neces­sary to conc­lude, imple­ment, amend or ter­mi­nate the con­tract of sale of goods.

4. In the case of expres­sion by the Buyer of an appro­priate, addi­tio­nal con­sent (by chec­king the field „Sub­scribe me to New­slet­ter”) to rece­ive com­mer­cial infor­ma­tion about new pro­ducts and pro­mo­tions from the online Store https://www.anna­bel­le­mi­ne­rals.com/e­n_gb/, the Sel­ler pro­cesses the per­sonal data of the Buyer also within the scope of such addi­tio­nal con­sent.

5. The Sel­ler under­ta­kes to pro­tect the sto­red data of the Buyer in a man­ner to pre­vent access by third par­ties in accor­dance with the Act of August 29, 1997 On Pro­tec­tion of Per­so­nal Data (con­so­li­da­ted text Dz. U. 2002, No. 101, item. 926, as amen­ded).

6. In the cases and on the terms spe­ci­fied in the Act of 29 August 1997 On Pro­tec­tion of Per­so­nal Data (con­so­li­da­ted text Dz. U. 2002, No. 101, item 926, as amen­ded), the Buyer has the right to requ­est to sup­ple­ment, update, or cor­rect her or his per­sonal data, tem­po­ra­rily or per­ma­nen­tly suspend the pro­ces­sing or remove the data if they are incom­plete, out­da­ted, untrue or col­lec­ted in vio­la­tion of the law or are no lon­ger neces­sary for the pur­pose for which they were col­lec­ted, and also has the right to pre­sent a writ­ten requ­est to cease the pro­ces­sing of their per­sonal data.

7. The Sel­ler is not respon­si­ble for the con­se­qu­en­ces of any misrepre­sentation by the Buyer.

§ 8 Com­pla­ints

1. The basis and respon­si­bi­li­ties of the Sel­ler to the Buyer, if the Pro­duct sold has a natu­ral or legal flaw (war­ranty) are defi­ned by the gene­rally appli­ca­ble laws, in par­ti­cu­lar, the Polish Civil Code.

2. The Sel­ler is obli­ged to deli­ver the Pro­duct to the Buyer without defects.

3. Any com­pla­ints regar­ding the sales con­tracts can be made by the Buyer in wri­ting by a regi­ste­red let­ter sent to the address of the Sel­ler.

4. The com­pla­int must con­tain the name and postal address of the Buyer as well as the e-mail address of the Buyer.

5. Com­pla­ints shall be con­si­de­red within 14 days from the date of rece­ipt of the regi­ste­red let­ter by the Sel­ler.

6. The Sel­ler, when con­si­de­ring a com­pla­int, shall apply the pro­vi­sions of the Regu­la­tions.

7. The Buyer shall be noti­fied of the deci­sion of the Sel­ler in wri­ting to the address sent pro­vided in the regi­ste­red let­ter con­taining the com­pla­int.

§9 Non-judi­cial ways of dealing with com­pla­ints and redress and access to those pro­ce­du­res

1. Deta­iled infor­ma­tion on the Buyer’s (con­su­mer’s) options for extrajudi­cial methods of com­pla­int and redress as well as rules of access to these pro­ce­du­res are ava­ila­ble on the pre­mi­ses and on the websi­tes of the district (muni­ci­pal) con­su­mer ombud­smen, social orga­ni­za­tions whose sta­tu­tory tasks inc­lude con­su­mer pro­tec­tion, the Pro­vin­cial Inspec­to­ra­tes of the Trade Inspec­tion and the fol­lo­wing Inter­net addres­ses of the Office of Com­pe­ti­tion and Con­su­mer Pro­tec­tion: http://www.uokik.gov.pl/spo­ry­_kon­su­menc­kie.php; http://www.uokik.gov.pl/sprawy_indywidualne.php and http://www.uokik.gov.pl/wa­zne­_a­dresy.php.

2. The Buyer (con­su­mer) has, for exam­ple, the fol­lo­wing possi­bi­li­ties of using extrajudi­cial means of dealing with com­pla­ints and redress:

a) The custo­mer is enti­tled to ask for per­ma­nent arbi­tra­tion con­su­mer court, as refer­red to in Article 37 of the Act of 15 Decem­ber 2000 on Trade Inspec­tion (Dz. U. 2001 No. 4, item 25, as amen­ded), for reso­lu­tion of a dispute ari­sing from a conc­lu­ded Pur­chase Agre­ement. Rules of orga­ni­za­tion and ope­ra­tion of per­ma­nent con­su­mer courts of arbi­tra­tion are deter­mined by the ordi­nance of the Mini­ster of Justice dated 25 Sep­tem­ber 2001, On the rules of orga­ni­za­tion and ope­ra­tion of per­ma­nent con­su­mer courts of arbi­tra­tion. (Dz. U. 2001, No. 113, item 1214).

b) The custo­mer is enti­tled to ask the pro­vin­cial inspec­tor of Trade Inspec­tion, in accor­dance with Article 37 of the Act of 15 Decem­ber 2000 on Trade Inspec­tion (Dz. U. 2001 No. 4, item 25, as amen­ded), to ini­tiate media­tion pro­ce­edings on the ami­ca­ble set­tle­ment of the dispute between the custo­mer and sel­ler. Infor­ma­tion on the rules and mode of media­tion pro­ce­dure con­duc­ted by the pro­vin­cial inspec­tor of Trade Inspec­tion is ava­ila­ble on the pre­mi­ses and on the websi­tes of the indi­vi­dual Pro­vin­cial Inspec­to­ra­tes of the Trade Inspec­tion.

c) The custo­mer can acqu­ire free aid in the set­tle­ment of dispu­tes between a custo­mer and sel­ler, using the free assi­stance of district (muni­ci­pal) con­su­mer ombud­smen or a social orga­ni­za­tion whose sta­tu­tory tasks inc­lude con­su­mer pro­tec­tion (eg Con­su­mer Fede­ra­tion, Asso­cia­tion of Polish Con­su­mers). Coun­se­ling is gran­ted by the Con­su­mer Fede­ra­tion via a toll-free con­su­mer hel­pline 800 007 707 and by the Asso­cia­tion of Polish Con­su­mers at e-mail pora­dy­@dla­kon­su­men­tow. pl.

§ 10 Fi­nal pro­vi­sions

1. Any questions, opi­nions, and conc­lu­sions con­cer­ning the func­tio­ning of the Store and the sta­te­ments sub­mit­ted to the Sel­ler in an elec­tro­nic form sho­uld be direc­ted to the fol­lo­wing e-mail address: ask@anna­bel­le­mi­ne­rals. com.

2. The pro­vi­sions of the Regu­la­tions in force on the date of the agre­ement of sales conc­lu­ded between the Sel­ler and the Buyer shall apply.

Appen­dix 1 – with­dra­wal form

Re­ci­pient: BLM Sp. z oo, ul. gen. Maczka 9, 43-300 Biel­sko-Biała, Poland (ask@anna­bel­le­mi­ne­rals.com, +48 533265783)

I/We inhe­rit;">I/(inhe­rit;”>I/*) hereby inform you on my/our my/(my/*) with­dra­wal from the con­tract of sale of the fol­lo­wing items:




Pur­chase Price

Date of agre­ement (*) / rece­ived (*):

Name of con­su­mer (s):

Ad­dress of the con­su­mer (s):

Si­gna­ture of con­su­mer (s):


inhe­rit;">(inhe­rit;”>*) delete as appro­priate.
